The very first Prince Albert Vino Camino is well on its way, having started yesterday at noon. The town is full to capacity and the restaurants are fully booked, so congratulations to the organisers for pulling off this amazing event that benefits so many.
I am privileged to be hosting the lovely Carsten Migliarina and Karen and their friend, also Karen at 4 on Meiring. After enjoying a delicious bottle of Carsten's port with friends, I'm now a newly converted port drinker. Previously I boringly preferred to stick to wine, but this was simply perfect for the chilly winter evening served with cheese, nuts and dried fruit after a good meal. And now for the bad news. I completely misunderstood what Carsten meant when he gave me the port and said it was only for family and friends. I thought this particular one was, but that he had an other that he sold. He does not make port for sale. But do give his wines a try, they are just as good.
Also part of the weekend entertainment, was a cabaret at the Showroom last night, 4 Panados en 'n Chardonnay with the fabulous Elzabe Zietsman. Then tonight is ventriloquist Conrad Koch and Chester Missing.
Unfortunately, there is just too much going on for me to get to every venue so to those who have not featured, my humble apologies.
From myself and I'm sure the rest of Prince Albert, a huge shout out to the organisers and all the wine farms that have made this weekend such a wonderful success. And then many thanks to all the guests who came for the weekend. Hopefully, we'll see you again next year.